Kasey Baker
My thoughts: I have so many thoughts. This is the Summer show and this is my Summer entry. As I said last show I plan on doing a painting for each of the seasons. This is just the Summertime feel for me. Vacations, getting away and being in your own little world.
I don't have etsy or anywhere else I sell things. If you want to buy things from me you'll have to contact me by email or facebook.
I have a blog which is the most important thing that exists on the internet today. You might be reading this on it. Kudos, you. You make good decisions.
Here's some other things I've done in a facebook photo album.
Gary Rith

(vase by Gary Rith)
When you have a show, you want to showcase something amazing, and this is actually a humble little vase, BUT I had been fiddling with my glazes and wound up with this wild and bright TURQUOISE last week, which I used here with the frogs. Frogs and bright turquoise are quite summery! I will be tempted to use turquoise on everything. In additon, this vase, as humble as it is, has an unusual origin. 4 years ago in October I had my first ever open studio on Columbus Day weekend. My first EVER web customer CM came down from Toronto and Allison and Trevor came from across the street, along with dozens of other people. Allison was HUGELY pregnant and gave birth a day or 2 later. Allison's mom came to visit my studio with her grandaughter last week and this is the vase I made, and I was able to joke that the last time (nearly 4 years ago) Roxy was in my studio, she was just a big bump in her mama's belly....
You can email me directly about purchases garyrith@yahoo.com or purchase this vase or something like it at my online etsy gallery and look at what I am up to every day on my daily blog.
Steve Gallow
Summer Time is a time of relaxation and adventure. My family likes to travel to different parts of the world to see new things. As a photographer, this is a great time to find new subjects to photograph. I enjoy photographing the typical tourist shots in new ways that haven't been seen before. I hope that you will enjoy the few photos that I selected as part of the BAMF Art Blog Bunch's Summer Art Show. See them here on my Smugmug Site. Stevo
George and Maureen Johnson
The price is $50.00 plus shipping for the complete set. I do not sell online, so you can email me at mjohnson100@wi.rr.com if you are interested in purchasing it.
Kerry Barnes
This is always how it starts out, isn't it? A perfect, tranquil day and then... chaos! Danger! Adventure!
Available as a framed, matted print up to 11"x14".
Please email me for details and prices.
I admire your photography. And if you wanted the photo to fit, you can go to the html side and change the width from whatever it is to "500" and see if it fits. You have to take out the height which might be "700" or something and leave it with the quote marks. "" and it will reduce the height to correspond with the new width you put in.
Thank you for your advice Abraham. I've fixed it now.
Oh my god! Who made these? Creative geniuses, no doubt!
I really like the crows on the lighthouse.
Great product shots man!
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